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DKU Talks: Energy Transition in Central Asia: Why and How? took place on October 29

Energy is substantial and essential for nearly anything we do anytime and every day and in a world with a rapidly growing population more and more people demand 24/7 available and reliable energy at reasonable and affordable costs. However, the energy for a rapid growing global population has to be based on zero carbon emission which undoubtful is the main driver for global warming and all its dangerous consequences. Besides the impression that there is sufficient oil and gas left due to the currently very low or in some cases even negative market prices we are without any doubt running out of limited fossil energy sources. The energy transition from fossil to non-fossil sources is gradually becoming a global phenomenon due to the growing awareness and impending consequences resulting from global warming.

In connection with this global problem our DKU Talk discussed why do we have to transform our energy systems, what would be the challenges to do so, particularly in Central Asia, how could a transformation of energy supply systems be financed and what is the role and challenges in creating a united electric power market in Central Asia. We discussed all these issues with experts from Germany Prof. Dr. Bernd Delakowitz, from UAE Dr. Farkhod Aminjonov and from Kyrgyzstan Dr. Rahat Sabyrbekov.

DKU Talks is conducted with the financial support of DAAD with funds from the German Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Contacts: dku.talks@dku.kz
