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The XVIII International Summer University at DKU: the results of the selection

The results of the selection of participants who won scholarships to participate in the XVIII International Summer University at theKazakh-German University (DKU) inAlmaty «Civic activismin Central Asia andthe South Caucasus: overviewandperspectives».

We are pleased to announce that the following participants have been selected to participate in the XVIII International Summer University 2022:

Scholarship participants:

  1. Maximilian Krebs
  2. Callie Starn
  3. Daniel Heinz
  4. Frederik Urban
  5. Hendrik Sexauer
  6. Jana Bernhardt
  7. Jonas Jacob Prien
  8. Valerie Brosch
  9. Mokhinur Bosakova
  10. Jana Rapp
  11. Niginakhon Uralova
  12. Aidana Toksortaeva
  13. Ainura Sarsenbekova
  14. Akbar Ibragimov
  15. Ezoza Alisherova
  16. Intizor Gulyamova
  17. Javokhir Mirmastov
  18. Samandar Saraev
  19. Mirzaev Shokhzod
  20. Shokirov Shokirjon
  21. Anahit Ghazakhetsyan
  22. Lusine Harutyunyan
  23. Mariam Sirakanyan
  24. Salome Tsereteli

Self-financing participants:

  1. Erika Balzer
  2. Viktor Ebel
  3. Dorothea Mavrakis
  4. Hristo Kolev
  5. Christian Ecchter


Please feel free to contact the DKU International Office (int_office@dku.kz, visa@dku.kz) if you need any further information.
