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EU-Central Asia Network for Water Science and Technology meeting

The first meeting of the EU-Central Asia Network for Water Science and Technology was successfully held in Tashkent, Uzbekistan on April 1−2, 2019.

Central Asia has severe challenges related to water quality, management and availability that call for joint efforts among the countries. Scientific and technological cooperation can act as a key enabler in addressing these problems, among others by providing innovative solutions, by informing policies with sound and reliable evidence and by enabling broader regional cooperation.

In this context, the EU-Central Asia Network for Water Science and Technology aims to strengthen the dialogue between European and Central Asian policy makers, research institutes and universities, funding agencies, companies, NGOs and local communities, focusing on water science and technologies.

Representatives from Central Asian countries and Afghanistan (water/environmental ministries responsible for S&T-related programmes or S&T ministries responsible for water-related programmes) regional and national research organizations presented their current strategies and examples of water S&T activities.

In a workshop format using modern moderation methodologies, the participants of the meeting was be invited to address key issues on water S&T cooperation such as:

  • successful water S&T initiatives in the region;
  • the priorities for S&T cooperation;
  • conditions for better water management

Representatives of the German-Kazakh University and Natural Resources Institute (NRI) were invited to participate in the meeting and present the results of their activities.

In the framework of the Gallery Walk (special event) Barbara Januzs -Pawletta, Vice Rector for International Cooperation and Public Relations told about the University and the projects implemented by NRI.

This is the Network's first meeting, to be followed up by a final meeting in November 2019 and complemented by three thematic workshops.
