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Submission period for Green Talents award has started

Become a Green Talent, connect with an outstanding network of excellent scientists and Germany’s sustainability research elite and promote your ideas.

Bonn, 09 May 2019 How can we realize good and healthy living conditions for everyone around the world when global climate change challenges today’s economies and life styles? How can we preserve our planet’s resources for future generations? How can research contribute to more sustainability? These questions are at the center of the «Green Talents — International Forum for High Potentials in Sustainable Development”. It invites you as a creative and open-minded scientist to apply with your project to showcase your research to a broader public, to discuss with renowned experts, and to conduct your research in Germany.

With this year’s special focus on the question of how digitalization can promote more sustainability in science and our societies, the motto of the 2019 competition is «Smart Green Planet — Solutions for a Sustainable Future”. However, applications from all disciplines are highly welcome and the research does not need to have a direct link to digitalization.

As a successful Green Talent 2019, you will receive

  • an invitation to the fully funded two-week Green Talents Science Forum 2019, consisting of

—  visits to leading German sustainability facilities, institutions and companies with exclusive insights into their pioneering research and projects,
—  individual appointments with German experts of your choosing to discuss possibilities for upcoming joint research and cooperation efforts,
—  networking opportunities at the 10-year-anniversary Green Talents alumni conference in Berlin with key representatives of the German sustainability landscape,

  • a fully funded research stay of up to three months at an institution of your own choice in Germany in 2020,
  • exclusive access for you to the prestigious Green Talents alumni network.

For more information please refer to our website www.greentalents.de where both the competition flyer as well as the award trailer are accessible.

Deadline for submission: 22 May 2019, 2 p.m. CEST.


